Sunday, 4 March 2018

4 tips to keep our Android Smartphone performance apps

Android user’s statistics have risen as much as to 107.7 million. The OS makes it easy to text, call, take photos, and surf the web. However, downloading a lot of data for a long time makes the Smartphone slower. But, you don’t have to go hopeless, as we are present you 4 ways to keep your data up to date.

Keep it fully charged

The first tip we share here is nothing new for an android user. They all know that keeping your phone fully charged will open room for better performance. Take out some time at every end of the day and make sure your phone is completely charged.
 Most of the people wait for their phone’s battery to completely degrade before they power it up. Doing this will not just affect the battery, but will also damage the performance on a long run. Whether it’s an android or iPhone, make sure you charge it before it gets dead recommends iPhone 6s plus replacement screen sellers.

Download memory management software
Memory management software aids to defragmentation which ultimately leads to better performance of the phone. There are a number of memory management software available on the play store, some of them free and some of them available on a low-cost value. Using the app you can stay on top of memory usage says the Apple iPhone 6s Plus parts sellers.

Close unused apps
Smartphone have lesser power than desktop computers, which means you can use lesser apps in one go.  Instead of using too many apps in one go, try sticking to the ultra-important ones. You can also go for background task killer software. These apps can be downloaded and used whenever you think the phone is processing slow.

Perform factory reset

 If there seems no viable option to make the performance of your smartphone better, the last choice will be going for a factory reset. Make sure this is the last resort for your Smartphone. In most of the phones, you can reach the factory reset option by clicking on settings and then privacy.
Try these tricks and we are sure your android phone is going to perform the best.

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